Imran Yafith
ML Developer | Oakville Centre for Vision
Computer Science | Sheridan College
MERN Bookstore
Dec 2023
- Full-Stack Bookstore app created using the M(ongoDB) E(xpress) R(eact) N(ode) tech stack.
- Created frontend using Vite and TypeScript. TailwindCSS was used for styling.
- Users can create, read, and delete books.
- Uses MongoDB database to store the books data.
Homebase Automation
Aug 2023
- Python App that scrapes shift data from my Homebase account and adds it to my Google Calendar.
- Uses Playwright to run a headless browser and logs into my Homebase account.
- Scrapes shift data using BeautifulSoup4 to parse the HTML in Python.
- Adds shifts as events to my Google Calendar by utilizing the Google Developer API.
Personal Portfolio Website
Nov 2023
- Personal portfolio website to showcase my projects and experience.
- Created using NextJS and TypeScript.
- Used TailwindCSS for styling and responsiveness.
Machine Learning Developer
May 2024 - Present
Oakville Centre for Vision
- Collaborate on the 'Difference Goggles' project, focusing on developing low-cost eye tracking wearables for sports and rehabilitation applications.
- Engineered machine learning algorithms and conducted image/video processing using Python to improve eye tracking accuracy.
- Actively participated in Agile project management practices, enhancing team collaboration and project deliverables while adhering to the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
Research Assistant
Oct 2023 - Apr 2024
Naryant (Formerly Inovex)
- Improved Urban Planning using Machine Learning, Traffic Simulation and Data Visualization.
- Utilized Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) and OpenStreetMap (OSM) to model and analyze traffic patterns across 10+ urban zones, enhancing data accuracy for urban development projects.
- Synthesized a comprehensive dataset predicting traffic demand for the city of Oakville, utilizing simulation tools (SUMO, OSM).
- Collaborated with a team of 4 researchers to assimilate simulation data, bolstering collective strategic planning and decision-making.
Research Assistant
Dec 2022 - Aug 2023
Karmy Pain Clinic
- Engineered an AI-driven pain diagnostic system leveraging Python and MATLAB, improving patient diagnosis accuracy and treatment efficacy, reducing diagnosis time.
- Increased data processing accuracy by 30% with improved data analysis techniques.
- Contributed to a 5 person team's iterative development and optimization of an AI model, achieving significant accuracy gains based on patient feedback and trials.